Monday, January 14, 2013

3 1/2 Weeks

This is the amount of time until the official due date of our second son. We have two other kids, Casey-our nearly 15 year old cousin/daughter who God gifted to us in a very unique way and then Asher-our first son who is 21 months(will be nearly two when his brother joins us).

About a month ago, I attended the baby shower of my dear friend Chandre(pictured below), who God gave me the privilege of mentoring(discipling) through her university life. Sidenote: I am so blessed to have walked with her as well through dating, marriage and now starting a family with her husband Mike. You don't get many opportunities like that in life.

Chandre is due two weeks after me, but to look at this picture you would think I was months ahead of her. We laugh about the comments people make to pregnant women. My husband recently asked me this question...why do I get so big in my belly? I can assure you I am bigger now than in this photograph and on two occasions have been asked if I am carrying twins. Let me take this moment to tell you how I answered my husband who is an amazing man and great husband and father, by the way. "God made me 5'2" and unless we want my internal organs to disappear completely, there is a small amount of space my babies have to work with in the womb. This is just the way it is for me and every woman is different." So, for all my preggie friends out there, do not fret or worry over how you look in the mirror or to the world. You have a miraculous gift from God growing inside of you, one that many women would love to have growing in them as well...and to answer that common question-no I am not carrying twins :), just one.

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